In winter, you can find snow. Lots of snow. And, did you know? There can be up to 180 billion molecules of water in one snowflake. Wonderful!
Looking for a way to help your children practice tracing lines? This snowflake worksheets will help their fine motor skills by having their draw a straight line. In the first, they will practice their skills at drawing vertical lines. This activity will help prepare your children for writing in the next steps.
You can get this worksheets for FREE. And don’t forget to have a PDF reader before you using this worksheets.
File format : PDF
Page : 1
Language : English
Paper size : A4
Download : 2. Tracing Lines – Vertical 2
For more worksheets, please visit https://worksheetsforkids.net or if you want to get in Indonesian version, please visit https://lembarkerja.com. Enjoy!